I've finally hit the 50 book mark! I must admit, I didn't think through this all that well. Summer has been hectic, like super crazy hectic! I really misjudged how much time I would have to sit around and read. 100 books was a crazy high goal. I feel like reading 50 books so far is a great accomplishment, though, with how busy it has been. My original end date for the 100 books was Labor Day, but I am going to be satisfied with having read 50 so far and give myself the remainder of the year for the other 50 books. I may have no trouble surpassing that, but I don't want to feel pressure to read just to hit a goal. I want to really enjoy what I'm reading. At times, I have taken a day or two to reflect on what I've read, and I didn't build something like that into my original plan. A couple books, I've really had to push myself to get read for one reason or another, and that wasn't given consideration in my plan. I've felt pressure at times to rush to start the next book when I wasn't really ready to do so, or I've felt pressure to pick an easy read over something more engrossing that I wanted to read more. That all takes the pleasure out of reading, and my whole point was to live it up this summer and read, read, read for pleasure finally. Being in school, I just didn't have the time for reading for pleasure that I prefer having available to me. So, my 100 Books of Summer is being officially altered to 50 Books of Summer, and I'm calling it a success. It's my personal challenge to myself, so I feel I can change the rules. 50 books in 3 months is still a great thing!
I now embark on my next 50 and plan to take my time more with these. I have basically 5 months and 50 books to read. Starting in September, I'll be back in school and my time will be more limited. I expect to read at least 15 of them by the time school starts back, I can read a few each of the months of the fall semester, and December is usually a heavier reading month for me, so 50 seems like a reasonable goal to finish out the year. So, stick with me for more book reviews to come, and bear with me in the fall when things will slow down some on the reviews. I promise to keep reviewing every book I do read, though.
Also, please share what you have been reading this summer. Anything I have to add to my to-read list?
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